356 research outputs found

    Investigating five key predictive text entry with combined distance and keystroke modelling

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    This paper investigates text entry on mobile devices using only five-keys. Primarily to support text entry on smaller devices than mobile phones, this method can also be used to maximise screen space on mobile phones. Reported combined Fitt's law and keystroke modelling predicts similar performance with bigram prediction using a five-key keypad as is currently achieved on standard mobile phones using unigram prediction. User studies reported here show similar user performance on five-key pads as found elsewhere for novice nine-key pad users

    Madonna With a Heart Scarred As a Face With Bad Maybe Smallpox

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    Aunque las pruebas de mutación son una técnica bien conocida para evaluar la calidad de las pruebas, no hay mucho apoyo disponible para el análisis de mutaciones a nivel de modelo. También se considera costoso debido a: (i) la gran cantidad de mutantes generados; (ii) la actividad lenta de determinar mutantes equivalentes; y (iii) el tiempo de ejecución mutante. También debe recordarse que los artefactos de software reales de tamaño apropiado, incluyendo fallas reales, son difíciles de encontrar y preparar adecuadamente. En este artículo, proponemos una herramienta de mutación para generar mutantes de primer orden (FOM) válidos para esquemas conceptuales (CS) basados ​​en diagramas de clase UML y evaluar su efectividad y eficiencia en la generación de mutantes válidos y no equivalentes. Nuestros principales hallazgos fueron: (1 ) Los operadores de mutación FOM pueden automatizarse para evitar mutantes no válidos (49,1%). (2) Se generaron menos mutantes equivalentes (7,2%) y el 74,3% se redujo analizando la estructura estática de CS en seis CS de sujeto. © Springer International Publishing Suiza 2017.Although mutation testing is a well-known technique for assessing the quality of tests, there is not a lot of support available for model-level mutation analysis. It is also considered to be expensive due to: (i) the large number of mutants generated; (ii) the time-consuming activity of determining equivalent mutants; and (iii) the mutant execution time. It should also be remembered that real software artefacts of appropriate size including real faults are hard to find and prepare appropriately. In this paper we propose a mutation tool to generate valid First Order Mutants (FOM) for Conceptual Schemas (CS) based on UML Class Diagrams and evaluate its effectiveness and efficiency in generating valid and non-equivalent mutants.Our main findings were: (1) FOM mutation operators can be automated to avoiding non-valid mutants (49.1%). (2) Fewer equivalent mutants were generated (7.2%) and 74.3% were reduced by analysing the CS static structure in six subject CSs. © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017.Katowic

    A Diagram Is Worth A Dozen Images

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    Diagrams are common tools for representing complex concepts, relationships and events, often when it would be difficult to portray the same information with natural images. Understanding natural images has been extensively studied in computer vision, while diagram understanding has received little attention. In this paper, we study the problem of diagram interpretation and reasoning, the challenging task of identifying the structure of a diagram and the semantics of its constituents and their relationships. We introduce Diagram Parse Graphs (DPG) as our representation to model the structure of diagrams. We define syntactic parsing of diagrams as learning to infer DPGs for diagrams and study semantic interpretation and reasoning of diagrams in the context of diagram question answering. We devise an LSTM-based method for syntactic parsing of diagrams and introduce a DPG-based attention model for diagram question answering. We compile a new dataset of diagrams with exhaustive annotations of constituents and relationships for over 5,000 diagrams and 15,000 questions and answers. Our results show the significance of our models for syntactic parsing and question answering in diagrams using DPGs

    Interactive numerals

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    Although Arabic numerals (like {\textquoteleft}2016{\textquoteright} and {\textquoteleft}3.14{\textquoteright}) are ubiquitous, we show that in interactive computer applications they are often misleading and surprisingly unreliable. We introduce interactive numerals as a new concept and show, like Roman numerals and Arabic numerals, interactive numerals introduce another way of using and thinking about numbers. Properly understanding interactive numerals is essential for all computer applications that involve numerical data entered by users, including finance, medicine, aviation and science

    Developing a Data Dashboard Framework for Population Health Surveillance: Widening Access to Clinical Trial Findings

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    Background: Population surveillance sites generate many datasets relevant to disease surveillance. However, there is a risk that these data are underutilized because of the volumes of data gathered and the lack of means to quickly disseminate analysis. Data visualization offers a means to quickly disseminate, understand, and interpret datasets, facilitating evidence-driven decision making through increased access to information. Objectives: This paper describes the development and evaluation of a framework for data dashboard design, to visualize datasets produced at a demographic health surveillance site. The aim of this research was to produce a comprehensive, reusable, and scalable dashboard design framework to fit the unique requirements of the context. Methods: The framework was developed and implemented at a demographic surveillance platform at the Africa Health Research Institute, in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. This context represents an exemplar implementation for the use of data dashboards within a population health-monitoring setting. Before the full launch, an evaluation study was undertaken to assess the effectiveness of the dashboard framework as a data communication and decision-making tool. The evaluation included a quantitative task evaluation to assess usability and a qualitative questionnaire exploring the attitudes to the use of dashboards. Results: The evaluation participants were drawn from a diverse group of users working at the site (n=20), comprising of community members, nurses, scientific and operational staff. Evaluation demonstrated high usability for the dashboard across user groups, with scientific and operational staff having minimal issues in completing tasks. There were notable differences in the efficiency of task completion among user groups, indicating varying familiarity with data visualization. The majority of users felt that the dashboards provided a clear understanding of the datasets presented and had a positive attitude to their increased use. Conclusions: Overall, this exploratory study indicates the viability of the data dashboard framework in communicating data trends within population surveillance setting. The usability differences among the user groups discovered during the evaluation demonstrate the need for the user-led design of dashboards in this context, addressing heterogeneous computer and visualization literacy present among the diverse potential users present in such settings. The questionnaire highlighted the enthusiasm for increased access to datasets from all stakeholders highlighting the potential of dashboards in this context

    Business process modelling and visualisation to support e-government decision making: Business/IS alignment

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    © 2017 Springer-Verlag. The final publication is available at Springer via https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-57487-5_4.Alignment between business and information systems plays a vital role in the formation of dependent relationships between different departments in a government organization and the process of alignment can be improved by developing an information system (IS) according to the stakeholders’ expectations. However, establishing strong alignment in the context of the eGovernment environment can be difficult. It is widely accepted that business processes in the government environment plays a pivotal role in capturing the details of IS requirements. This paper presents a method of business process modelling through UML which can help to visualise and capture the IS requirements for the system development. A series of UML models have been developed and discussed. A case study on patient visits to a healthcare clinic in the context of eGovernment has been used to validate the models

    A Design Kit for Mobile Device-Based Interaction Techniques

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    Beside designing the graphical interface of mobile applications, mobile phones and their built-in sensors enable various possibilities to engage with digital content in a physical, device-based manner that move beyond the screen content. So-called mobile device-based interactions are characterized by device movements and positions as well as user actions in real space. So far, there is only little guidance available for novice designers and developers to ideate and design new solutions for specic individual or collaborative use cases. Hence, the potential for designing mobile-based interactions is seldom fully exploited. To address this issue, we propose a design kit for mobile device-based interaction techniques following a morphological approach. Overall, the kit comprises seven dimensions with several elements that can be easily combined with each other to form an interaction technique by selecting at least one entry of each dimension. The design kit can be used to support designers in exploring novel mobile interaction techniques to specic interaction problems in the ideation phase of the design process but also in the analysis of existing device-based interaction solutions

    WESTT (Workload, Error, Situational Awareness, Time and Teamwork): An analytical prototyping system for command and control

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    Modern developments in the use of information technology within command and control allow unprecedented scope for flexibility in the way teams deal with tasks. These developments, together with the increased recognition of the importance of knowledge management within teams present difficulties for the analyst in terms of evaluating the impacts of changes to task composition or team membership. In this paper an approach to this problem is presented that represents team behaviour in terms of three linked networks (representing task, social network structure and knowledge) within the integrative WESTT software tool. In addition, by automating analyses of workload and error based on the same data that generate the networks, WESTT allows the user to engage in the process of rapid and iterative “analytical prototyping”. For purposes of illustration an example of the use of this technique with regard to a simple tactical vignette is presented

    Collaborative Gaze Channelling for Improved Cooperation During Robotic Assisted Surgery

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    The use of multiple robots for performing complex tasks is becoming a common practice for many robot applications. When different operators are involved, effective cooperation with anticipated manoeuvres is important for seamless, synergistic control of all the end-effectors. In this paper, the concept of Collaborative Gaze Channelling (CGC) is presented for improved control of surgical robots for a shared task. Through eye tracking, the fixations of each operator are monitored and presented in a shared surgical workspace. CGC permits remote or physically separated collaborators to share their intention by visualising the eye gaze of their counterparts, and thus recovers, to a certain extent, the information of mutual intent that we rely upon in a vis-à-vis working setting. In this study, the efficiency of surgical manipulation with and without CGC for controlling a pair of bimanual surgical robots is evaluated by analysing the level of coordination of two independent operators. Fitts' law is used to compare the quality of movement with or without CGC. A total of 40 subjects have been recruited for this study and the results show that the proposed CGC framework exhibits significant improvement (p<0.05) on all the motion indices used for quality assessment. This study demonstrates that visual guidance is an implicit yet effective way of communication during collaborative tasks for robotic surgery. Detailed experimental validation results demonstrate the potential clinical value of the proposed CGC framework. © 2012 Biomedical Engineering Society.link_to_subscribed_fulltex